A Guide to Reworked Woodie (2024)


Woodie's one of the more popular characters and is often recommended to beginners. At the same time, though, there's a lot mechanically going on with the guy and understanding just what the Canadian offers can get pretty complex. so I felt like making a guide for him. I tried to make it as comprehensive as possible to avoid having to jump between multiple pages on the wiki and as a result the detail's a little heavy, but I hope everything here is helpful.

Thanks to @Crestwave for pointing out some mistakes and having some suggested changes, especially for jellybeans, @Maxil20 for helping to improve the Maxwell takeaway & for mentioning Wormwood's bloom, @WoodieMain45684 for the lategame Woodie perspective and @Cheggf for a Max / Woodie lumberjack comparison.


  • Infinite durability axe that chops markedly faster and can be re-obtained at any time for a minimal cost
  • Premier budget explorer, lunar rush character and wood farmer
  • High risk/reward ruins rusher
  • Three wereforms that all have valuable niches that can be activated at will and don't fear the night
  • Increased chance for Treeguards and Poison Birchnuts to spawn
  • Increased insulation for winter
  • Follower time bonuses (varying based on type of follower)
  • Immensely flexible, easy synergy for most of the cast allows him to provide major benefits regardless of team comp
  • Solid solo performance


  • Hunger drain from dropping wereform can easily kill an unprepared Woodie, especially if resurrected as beaver/moose/goose
  • Sanity penalties from wereform can overwhelm newer players
  • Drawbacks from kitschy idols limits the opportunity for using them
  • Requires high starting health/sanity to utilize moose form safely
  • Increased insulation during summer
  • Reliant on team communication to excel
  • Can find himself shoehorned into a particular role depending on other character picks
  • Mediocre endgame potential
  • Full Moon events can be tricky

Advantages, Detailed


Woodie starts with Lucy, a very special axe that immediately gives him a leg up over most characters. Lucy has infinite durability, can be remade by chopping a tree with any axe, and chops trees faster. While normal / luxury axes chop small trees in 5 swings, medium in 10, large in 15 strokes, Lucy chops in 3, 5, 8 swings. In terms of a speed increase, this is 166.7% faster for small trees, 200% faster for medium, and 187.5% for large trees. Note that Lucy also chops Sporecaps faster, which can be a nice little benefit for Toadstool fights if you forego Moose form.

While the normal Treeguard / Poison Birchnut spawn chance is 1.33% starting on day 4, Woodie also from the start has a 1.5x chance to spawn Treeguards and Poison Birchnuts, making his chance 2% per tree felled (Poison Birchnut spawnrate also increases over time to cap at 33% for normal characters on day 70. This makes it 50% for Woodie!) Due to the faster tree chopping, however, the spawn rate is significantly higher than the increase alone.

Living Log Farming Calcs & Woodcutting Optimization

For example, let's say a character can do 60 chops in a minute. For a normal character, that's 12 small trees, 6 medium, 4 large for a maximum of 12 rolls. For Woodie, that's 20 small trees, 12 medium, and 7 [7.5] large trees for a maximum of 20 rolls. That's 1.67x the rolls, which results in a significant increase in the overall number of Treeguards you'll spawn with him beyond that of just having a 50% higher chance.

For regulars: 1-(.986667^12) = ~14.877% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~7.738% chance. w/ Large, ~5.228% chance

For Woodie: 1-(.98^20) = ~33.234% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~21.528% chance. w/ Large, ~13.187% chance

In practice, a base Woodie will significantly outcompete other sources especially when considering this requires zero up-front cost.

For living log farming, the only contenders would be Maxwell and Wormwood. Wormwood is in a league of his own for obvious reasons, so then the question is: where does Maxwell slot in? For an accurate comparison, though, we need to factor in animation cancelling, because of how significant it is for Woodie in particular.

The above video (credit to Maxil20#8826 on the discord) is an example of the difference that this technique makes for regular log chopping. In practice, this ends up chopping about 35%, 36% faster, and is significant because Maxwell's shadow loggers are noobs and only chop at a set speed (and can't take advantage of movement speed buffs such as the magiluminescence, though for the sake of simple comparisons this won't be factored in). They also cannot take advantage of Warly's honey spice as well, whereas Woodie can. For performing this yourself, holding spacebar and mouse click works for some people, whereas others need to click to a rhythm. For an example video, the vid below is pretty old but does a decent job of explaining it. This also works for mining!

Assuming a skilled Woodie is against an equally skilled Maxwell without spices, the Woodie will get 135 chops using animation cancelling assuming a base chop speed of 100. The Maxwell will get 135+100(s), where s is the number of shadow loggers he has available.

Woodie in this situation always fells 45 small trees, 27 medium trees, and 16 [16.875] large trees under this standard.

This translates to a 1-(.98^20) = ~59.712% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~42.043% chance. w/ Large, ~27.62% chance.

At 1 shadow logger, Maxwell has 235 chops.This is 47 small trees, 23 [23.5] medium trees, 15 [15.6] large trees.

For Maxwell: 1-(.986667^47) = ~46.788% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~26.562% chance. w/ Large, ~18.237% chance

At 2 shadow loggers, Maxwell has 335 chops. This is 67 small trees, 33 [33.5] medium trees, 22 [22.33333] large trees.

For Maxwell: 1-(.986667^67) = ~59.316% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~35.787% chance. w/ Large, ~25.570% chance

At 3 shadow loggers, Maxwell has 435 chops. This is 87 small trees, 43 [43.5] medium trees, 29 large trees.

For Maxwell: 1-(.986667^87) = ~68.895% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~43.853% chance. w/ Large, ~32.245% chance. This is the cutoff for loggers that Maxwell must always maintain (in addition to his own chopping!) to beat a Woodie for summoning Treeguards.

At 4 shadow loggers, Maxwell has 535 chops. This is 107 small trees, 53 [53.5] large trees, 35 [35.6667] large trees.

For Maxwell: 1-(.986667^107) = ~76.219% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~50.905% chance. w/ Large, ~37.488% chance

And to check all information, let's assume honey spice is used and these player chops count for double, effectively. Woodie takes 2 chops for a small tree, 3 for medium, 4 for large, and Maxwell gets Woodie'd with 3 for small, 5 for medium, 8 for large for his 135 alone.

Under this situation, Woodie chops 67 [67.5] small trees, 45 medium, 33 [33.75] large trees.

For Super Woodie, 1-(.98^67) = 74.168% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~59.712% chance. w/ Large, ~48.695% chance.

Maxwell, on the other hand, copy-pastes Woodie's original sheet and adds shadow logger stuff to it.

At 3 shadow loggers, Maxwell chops 105 small trees, 57 medium trees, 36 [36.875] large trees.

For Maxwell: 1-(.986667^107) = ~75.571% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~53.472% chance. w/ Large, ~38.321% chance

At 4 shadow loggers, Maxwell chops 125 small trees, 67 medium trees, and 43 [43.5146667] large trees.

For Maxwell: 1-(.986667^125) = ~81.323% chance to spawn a Treeguard w/ small trees. w/ Medium, ~59.316% chance. w/ Large, ~43.853% chance

The final result: Maxwell is inferior for farming living logs under this optimized situation for larger trees, but with no honey spice or a sizable young tree farm will beat a Woodie. Maxwell will also beat Woodie in terms of log generation unless he becomes a Werebeaver. Note that this also requires a solid chunk nightmare fuel from the Maxwell, with consistent fuel input required for multiple spawns because the Treeguard(s) will probably kill your shadow loggers. But now, let's touch on the beaver.

Werebeaver form has a 0% chance of summoning a Treeguard / Poison Birchnut and chops via gnawing, with 3.75 gnaws per second. One gnaw counts as chopping 4 times but uses base tree stats instead of Lucy's bonus. This means 2 gnaws for a small tree, 3 for a medium, 4 for a large. This equates to approximately .5333 seconds per small tree, .8 seconds for a medium tree, 1.06666667 seconds for a large tree. With honey, this monstrosity ends up at 1 gnaw for a small tree, 2 for medium, 2 for large, meaning .2666667 seconds for a small tree and .53333 seconds for BOTH medium and large trees.

While the calcs above used 100 chops per character as a baseline instead of time, it should be noted regular players chop at ~2.903 chops / second and clones at ~2.143 chops / second) (5.167 seconds to chop a large tree with animation canceling and 7 seconds holding spacebar). Compared to the unearthly 15 chops / sec that base Werebeaver chews at, 4 logger Maxwell only reaches 11.475, 14.378 with honey. In addition to the 10% movement speed increase the werebeaver gets which cuts down on travel time compared to the base player speed loggers, the end result is that Maxwell chops significantly slower than the werebeaver. Assuming Maxwell chops at 1.35x speed, a full gang of 4 harvesters and Maxy should be able to fell 5.35 trees in 7 seconds. A werebeaver should drop about 6.56 in that timeframe. A beaver can be expected to get ~56 large trees in a minute assuming zero movement, Maxwell's gang would be expected to chop around ~45 and thus chop at about 80% speed of a beaver baseline, with a great chance of being disrupted by Treeguards. With honey, no contest. It is absolutely worth nothing that Woodie should not bother to dig up stumps as Werebeaver, as the form is only marginally faster than a shovel for that job. Chop trees and get moving to maximize the return on your idol!

While we're on the topic, though....

The Wereforms

Understanding how Woodie's transformations work and how to avoid them when you don't need them / maximize them when you do is pretty key to getting the most out of him. Here's everything there is to know about them.

Were Mechanics

Woodie's curse in DST is that he can transform into three different forms. While transformed, his sanity gauge drains at a steady -6/min in addition to anything else that impacts it (insanity auras, dusk, etc). Cursed Woodie gains heat and frost insulation values of 240 and night vision / immunity to Charlie in all forms, as well as sandstorm immunity for the Antlion. Involuntary transformations are always random between the three forms.

Woodie transforms every full moon and any time he eats more than two monster meat items in a span of half a day. Transforming causes Woodie to drop all equipped gear, with the wonderfully notable exception of backpacks. During the transformation, Woodie's hunger is replaced with the 'wereness' meter, which indicates how much time Woodie has before reverting to human, which will last longer when using a form for the intended function and drain faster if not using it for that purpose / being idle. A fully utilized gauge will last 4 minutes regardless of form, and trying to purposefully drain the gauge will go between three stages of drain (-25/min, -40/min, -400/min). Performing the intended action for each form resets the drain back to the lowest level. It takes 22 seconds for beaver, 26 for moose, 19 for goose to revert from a full gauge. Once Woodie reverts, his hunger gauge will be empty and he will begin to starve immediately.

In addition to involuntary transformations, Woodie can trigger these purposefully via eating Kitschy Idols. There are three idols which correspond to the wereforms, which are all made with 3 monster meat and 2 of a resource specific to the idol being made. Beaver takes 2 wood, goose takes 2 seeds, moose takes 2 cut grass. Consuming an idol reduces health by 20 and sanity by 15 but immediately causes Woodie to transform. Kitschy idols last for 10 days regardless of how spoiled the meat was, and can be placed in iceboxes to double their shelf life. In addition, they can be fed to pigs for six minutes of loyalty time and even fed to caged birds for an egg. Bunnymen will attack you if you have idols in your inventory!

Full moons in DST occur every 20 days starting on Day 11 (31, 51, 71, 91...), which is easy to remember via "Odd Ones". The full moon does more than simply force Woodie to transform; it slows down the speed at which he loses wereness, and fills the gauge when the night of a full moon starts if he was already in wereform. This allows for extremely long transformation times in the desired form.

For example, take Autumn day 11. The full moon lasts 1 minute and occurs on the 7th minute of the day. If a beaver kitschy idol is used on minute 3 second 1 and is fully maintained, Woodie will enter midnight with a single second of transformation remaining. The wereness meter will immediately refresh, giving him 4 full minutes again and drain at half speed for the remaining minute of midnight, granting him an additional 4 minutes 30 seconds of time. This will result in him being transformed for over an in-game day for 8 minutes 29 seconds of wereform. A werebeaver transformation can easily cut hundreds of logs in this time, building the entire winter fuel stockpile in a single day.

In general, transforming can be used as a last-ditch escape option, whether it be Goose for speed, moose for escaping via charge (or turning around to fight) or beaver for the base speed increase. Since all of these have Charlie immunity, any of them can be a reasonable panic option.


The OG Woodie form, Beaver has 25% damage resistance from virtually all sources and a 1.1x speed modifier. While it can technically dig up objects, mine boulders, and destroy structures, it's not efficient to do anything but chop wood with it because a base character will mine and hammer things down faster. Stump removal is ~86% faster than a regular character, but (as shown with the calcs underneath the Treeguard spawn comparisons) the time save from doing so is nowhere near the value you gain from just continuously chopping. In the same vein, don't bother using beaver for charcoal farming; you save only a marginal amount of time compared to base characters because everything goes down in 1 chop / gnaw. Large trees generate the most wood/gnaw and should be prioritized, especially if you have honey spice available. The extra pinecones are just a bonus.

In terms of actual DPS, the beaver is generally substandard. On regular enemies, DPS is around ~61.82 which is 80% of that of a spear. On Treeguards and Birchnutters (Poison Birchnuts are trees and simply go down with 5 gnaws), DPS increases to 100.45, which is 130% of that of a spear but 86.7% of the DPS of a Tentacle Spike and about 4% better than a Battle Spear. Because beaver cannot spawn either of these tree monsters, popping a beaver specifically to deal with those that already exist is generally not good value, especially considering how 55% more damage will be taken compared to wearing some cheap log armor. Moose is preferable both to deal with Birchnutter swarms and deal higher DPS to a Treeguard, and can even defeat a Poison Birchnut by simply going ramming speed 5 times.

The intended action to keep wereform for Beaver is gnawing, and continuously gnawing anything within 4 seconds ensures that the maximum duration of the form is kept. In a forest, this should never be an issue. It takes about 22 seconds to intentionally drop this form from a full bar, 37 during a full moon.

There isn't much else to be said about this form because it's simply the best at doing one particular thing. It's still incredibly strong and the default candidate for day 11's idol, though.


The combat form, Moose packs 90% resistance to virtually all forms of damage in the game (including overheating and freezing). 59.5 damage per strike makes the form surprisingly strong for single-target despite a slower attack rate of .5 speed compared to most weapons having a .44 [.43333] speed, slightly more DPS than a tentacle spike in practice and equal to a fresh ham bat with combat animation canceling factored in. The drain rate for this form increases if no damage is taken or received within 6 seconds, but "phantom" damage such as charging stationary birds (which fly off but still take the damage) will reset this meter. As a downside, this form only moves at 90% speed, however.

Considering the cheapness of the form, getting the equivalent of infinite durability Thulecite armor (which is even more significant due to the 70% armor durability DST has compared to the base game) and a Tentacle Spike for single-target is impressively strong on it's own, but the real value is in the charge.

The charge grants 200% movement speed, stun immunity, and limited damage immunity during the animation. All enemies in the path of the charge are struck for 59.5 damage, and in some situations attacks can be avoided using this form. For example, 'jousting' a Clockwork Rook causes the Rook to take damage but Woodie to take none, allowing for taking them down aboveground and in the ruins without them posing any danger. This behavior also appears to extend to the Ancient Guardian, but I'm hesitant to confirm it for a boss without a second person's confirmation. As a downside, though, running into an object while charging causes Woodie to become groggy for 9.7 seconds, slowing movement speed considerably for the duration (though continous charges do not build up more grogginess). Even if Woodie transforms back during this period, he will still be groggy, which can be very dangerous in combat situations. The charge can still be used while groggy, however, and thus is a valuable and reliable tool for disengaging and building distance from enemies during a fight as needed. Still, though, cutting down trees near spider nests is advised to prevent charge mishaps.

Woodie can easily clear enemy swarms with carefully timed charges, but doing so takes considerably more caution than Abigail because being stunlocked is a very, very real possibility. Frog rains especially pose this problem if not carefully managed from the start because of their massive numbers, high movespeed, continuous spawning and their lack of a pause in between attacks (such as hound barking). Hounds are usually easy to beat, especially red hounds, but you CAN be frozen during a charge so taking on blue hound swarms should be done carefully. On the opposite end, however, Spider nests are infinitely easier because of the lesser movespeed of the base spiders, allowing easy charges to clear dozens of spiders at once. Whereas Abigail has to be cautious around tankier enemies such as spider warriors (especially early on before she hits 600 health), Mooseform can easily bowl through the full strength of multiple tier 3 dens at the same time the moment he can make an idol.

Because the Weremoose can't use items during the transformation, it is very dependent on entering a fight healthy and either finishing it before wereness hits zero or charging away and use the additional resources / healing items to get ready for a second round at a good time. Despite idols reducing health by 20, Weremoose form still has 1300 effective health if starting from full health, but especially loves Jellybeans (which can be seasoned!!!!) to keep him healthy during combat and offset the idol cost to let him fight with 1500-2,520 effective health, depending on how much the jellybeans heal. Comparatively, log suit / football helmet / battle helm characters only have 750 (1000 for Wigfrid) and will likely have to replace armor to maintain it. Wolfgang has 1500 effective health from full with a log suit, but he goes through 4 log suits just to maintain that armor. Moose Woodie is impressively tanky, especially when resources are limited.

An example of solo combat, charge distance, and disengaging during a fight to heal and re-moose can be found here in this Krampus guide:

(Credit to Reddit's u/Wambachaka)


The travel form. Goose is very simple; move speed is 140% for the duration and all goose can really do is run. Wereness drain increases if Goose doesn't run after 2 seconds, so Goose has to constantly keep moving. Goose's main claim to fame is being able to walk on water, though Woodie WILL drown if he transforms back over the ocean. Goose is incredibly good for exploration and rushing, with quite a few speedrun applications as well. The only characters that really have comparable reliable movement speed options are Wormwood in bloom and Mighty Wolfgang, and WX IF a Wicker is helping them out.

Rushing Lunar Island is something no other character can do, and it allows for a lot of very helpful resources such as stone fruit and anenemies early on, to say nothing of the celestial portal / glass cutters.

As a ruins rusher, Woodie can go ridiculously fast but is a lot riskier compared to traditional meta characters Wx and Wolfgang. He's very dependent on finding the blue cap forest & a good monster meat farm area (which can be partially alleviated by spiders / worms) to perform well and requires a lot more caution due to playing around starvation, the cost of popping an idol, and the wereness meter, but is the absolute best bar none at scouting the caves and finding the ruins. It can be a bit tricky since shadows don't always despawn when he's running (which can make that transformation back extra fun), but outside of that the caves are relatively safe for a goose.

While I can't seem to find a good Woodie ruins run, here's an example of a Lunar Rush:

Miscellaneous Benefits

Woodie has a permanent tier 2 Wilson beard, giving him a permanent bonus 45 winter insulation. Functionally, this makes his temperature drop 2.5x slower without any other equipment, and gives him more flexibility to go throughout the winter with cheap gear. A pair of rabbit earmuffs with his beard makes him better off than a puffy vest but slightly worse off than having a winter hat. On larger servers especially, being able to prioritize better winter gear to other players and continuously wear a backpack without significant issues in winter is pretty powerful, especially for the first winter where prep is limited.

Woodie's favorite food is Honey Nuggets, which heals 20 health, 5 sanity, and 52.5 hunger compared to the usual 37.5 (a 40% increase). The dish is fairly accessible and isn't a bad use of filler compared to meatballs, trading 10 hunger for 15 health. If papyrus is in short supply or better used by a Wicker, it's not a bad way to recoup the stats lost by using an idol.

Woodie also gains three follower benefits:

  • For pigs, the max follower time is increased by 20%. Effectively, this means that he gets additional benefits from feeding pigs food to maximize their loyalty time. For example, the loyalty time calculation is 19.2 x the meat food value. Feeding a pig meatballs (arguably the cheapest recipe to feed them, depending on available filler) by default gives 19.2 x 62.5 = 1,200 seconds (20) minutes of loyalty time. For other characters, the maximum cap is 2.5 days, meaning this is the absolute max they can gain. Woodie can feed pigs higher food-value items (bone boulion, stuffed fish heads, bacon & eggs, barnacle linguine) and gain an additional 4 minutes of food time, which can be convenient depending on the need for additional follower time and resources on hand.
  • For bunnymen, each carrot gives 2 extra minutes of loyalty time. Since a carrot usually gives 4 minutes, this is 150% value. Again, take caution around bunnymen because kitschy idols count as meat items and will cause them to attack.
  • For rock lobsters, each mineral given has an extra minute of loyalty time. Since each rock typically gives 3 minutes, this is 133.333% value.

There's no equivalent trait or item out there for this bar potentially the One Man Band, and can end up being an alright endgame niche for being the follower manager.

Solo Analysis

Strong earlygame with tools for most situations. Extremely durable year 1, drops off as better gear is acquired and the reasons to transform diminish.

Early lunar / ruins can drastically change a solo game but disregarding a rush, the typically slower pace of solo gives a lot more opportunities for his strengths to shine. Lucy is both QoL and a huge efficiency bonus in a single package, and Moose as well as the higher Treeguard spawnrate gives a lot of defensive flexibility. As a whole there's no serious limitation or mechanical annoyance, as long as you understanding the moon cycle, manage your stats heading into a transformation and have the food on hand to not starve after Woodie doesn't have any serious drawback or play the game in a majorly different style like Webber, for example.

'Hibernation' Woodie

Woodie can technically go fasting through the careful usage of wereform to reduce how much he needs to eat. Kitschy Idols are a net loss foodwise because a full form will last half a day and 75 hunger drains per day, compared to the 56.25 monster meat food input to make an idol, but you can get even more efficient purposefully transforming randomly.

Two (cooked, dried) monster meat will force a transformation, and a fully-utilized transformation will double the hunger value of that last monster meat. Fully utilizing forms is very easy to do via simply running in place as goose, gnawing the stagehand infinitely as beaver form, or (the hardest) fighting any nearby spiders & charging birds / butterflies as a moose. By doing this, Woodie can subsist off of monster meat for a few days with minimal effort and minimal downsides, especially if using a drying rack to minimize penalties. In a situation where everything is critical (especially in an inexperienced group), starvation can be a key issue and being able to effectively remove Woodie from adding to the problem / eating desirable food for a few days can be extremely useful and relieve just enough food pressure to allow the situation to be turned around, though of course it's more an amusing note than something valuable in practice.

Disadvantages, Detailed

While Woodie has a boatload of nice perks, understanding the character's weaknesses is important.

Summer Beard

Beards still impact characters in summer even if winter clothing doesn't because they take away heat insulation. For example, Woodie loses 45 insulation, or 75% of the heat insulation value of a straw hat during the summer, making him gain little from low-tier summer gear (whirly fan, straw hat, funcap, gardeneer hat). This is not a major issue because for most of the summer ducking under a tree will fix the issue on the rare occasions where the thermal stone warmed up before you could cool it back down, but it is a noteworthy inconvenience and makes Woodie very reliant on his thermal stone that first summer.

Stat Management

Utilizing idols and wereform requires a lot of care being put into your stats to prevent waste but still be useful. For example, transforming close to starvation is ideal to avoid food waste, but may come with a healing / sanity opportunity cost because you wanted to skip those healing foods to transform and thus aren't entering Moose from full health. Frequent usage of idols brings with it a sizable sanity / health penalty, which requires additional care to balance out. Using an idol thus often becomes a question of whether the benefits outweigh the additional time and resources you'll need to input to get back your health, and whether incoming obstacles (a giant you want to fight, hound waves) will make those short-term costs reasonable or not. And while being able to tank your sanity easily is often a benefit for more skilled players, it takes a lot of care to efficiently manage the food, health, and sanity costs of idols beyond what's usually expected for a character that's easy for a new player to pick up. A downed WereWoodie takes special care because you'll revive in wereform and exit without any food, which is a position where it's extremely easy to die if you don't get extra help.

Meter Management

Transforming into and from a form locks Woodie into an animation which makes him extremely vulnerable to attacks, and of course regular Woodie isn't safe at night. Understanding when to stop and let the meter drain to transform back, having the food and light (if need be) on you to not suffer, and potentially the healing items / idols on you to continue and re-enter a fight or go on exploring can end up tricky without careful prep ahead of time, yet is key to using the various forms safely.

Meta Endgame Potential

While many characters have this issue, if playing super meta Woodie becomes a swap character in the absolute endgame where specific niches are required to justify usage (ie Winoa for Catapult farms only, Willow only for fuel farming, endgame boss farming, etc). Goose is outdone by overcharged Wx and cane Mighty Wolfgang / Bloom-Cane Wormwood / Magil-Cane setups once the ocean / ruins explored and Lunar stuff transferred over, Moose is outdone by endgame equipment and bunnymen & anenemies & catapults take care of mob farming. Honey Woodie / Beaver are the character's prime endgame niche for when there's a need for living log farming and wood farming, especially when you don't want some loggers to chop down aesthetic trees. Wormwood poses good competition for living logs specifically, but can eat up quite a lot of resources to heal for it so is situation-specific. While Woodie is fantastic at speeding up progression to get to endgame, it's worth noting for players that want a universal S-tier Wortox character where the character perks are always making a big difference that Woodie may not be the pick for you.

Full Moon Events / Transformation "Lock In"

As Woodie is forced to transform during a full moon, he's forced to lose some time on events that requires it. While he doesn't have to go to the ridiculous lengths he does in singleplayer where he has to use lureplants to get Glommer's flower, it still can be a bit of a hassle when trying to get a moon caller's staff solo if you don't prep ahead of time.


This is just a list of what other characters offer Woodie and what Woodie can offer them back, or particular traits of other characters that may cause a Woodie to play differently than normal, prioritize certain things so their pal is much more effective.


Sisturn sanity regen relieves a lot of sanity pressure while Abigail removes a lot of the danger swarms pose. In addition, Abigail can easily mass-farm monster meat without having to spend an idol, which saves a lot of time. Wendy also is well-equipped to set up Bee Boxes fast, which Woodie appreciates both for the healing and for his favorite food.

Moose form in return removes virtually all of the risk that Abigail could be overwhelmed and gives Wendy a higher priority for better gear, which is greatly appreciated since she's usually high on the list for weapons. This gives her a decent QoL bonus by getting the 1-shot on a lot of passive creatures and lets a skilled Wendy better benefit from the 1.155x multiplier she has with Abigail. Woodie can also act as a tanky single-target bruiser which Wendy appreciates. Beaver and Goose offer their general benefits but don't do anything particularly special for Wendy, though regular Woodie makes living logs for distilled vengeances much easier to get.


Battle spears and helms bridge the gap between spears and Weremoose, which is generally convenient for Woodie because there's less of a need to use idols in combat situations. Inspiration is a major benefit to Moose, as the Heartrending Ballad / Clear Minded Cadenza / Bel Canto of Courage can easily allow a Woodie to stay in the fight and even exit better off than they entered because of how ridiculous the benefits can be with a nice, big charge. Rude Interlude and Startling Soliloquy can save you from a stunlock during mob swarms, don't underestimate 'em. She also is just a good tanky, reliable damage-dealer for bosses which Woodie appreciates.

Early lunar provides a lot of easy filler which makes Wigfrid have an easier time, in addition to getting Wigfrid a Clear Minded Cadenza before winter, which is incredibly nice as both a solo and group buff and something that is very difficult for her to get within the first in-game year. Moose can farm monster meat in bulk as needed, which helps Wigfrid spend less time focusing on food (especially early on). Scouting the sea and mainland early can also be a lot of help by finding pig king, salt deposits, both of which Wigfrid appreciates.


Wilson doesn't need anything in particular and Woodie doesn't especially benefit from beard hair. Together they don't really care about winter, though, and with Woodie cutting down on the time spent gathering wood you can get a surprising amount done during it.


Character stacking has some wild results and the Canadian is no exception. The group could either specialize and have "The Maxwell" and "The Wolfgang" Woodies for a traditionally effective team comp or work with each other and absolutely destroy forests, mobs, and the map fog as needed. Rushing both lunar and ruins separately could result in ridiculously fast progress and allow an extremely good base to be set up before winter. As long know who needs to pop an idol when and nobody uses them excessively, it's a fun time.


Wolfgang will leave Moose in the dust in a single-target situation, can take more punishment even with mediocre equipment, and can delete bosses in the right hands. Mighty's higher speed can lessen the need for goose, especially if another speed-boosting item is available.

Woodie offers a lot more mob-clearing potential than Wolfgang and can easily produce more log suits so the former can facetank the earlygame stretch. Poultices and Salves are pretty easy for Woodie to generate en masse and that helps Wolfgang bunga his way through obstacles. Stone fruit are a year-round crop which can give Wolfgang a lot more leniency with his hunger, to say nothing of the sheer power of Wolfgang with glass cutters.

In terms of a ruins rushing, Woodie can shave a lot of time off with scouting while Wolfgang does a lot of the dedicated combat. Wolfgang can easily help with farming monster meat while Woodie chips in for Wolfgang's pigskin, and since both rely on the bluecap forest Woodie can save both some time there with a beaver idol. With proper communication, Woodie can make Wolfgang's ruins experience a lot easier by mapping the caves, finding the ruins, and relaying where the intact pseudoscience station is.


Incredible stats when upgraded help a Woodie partner take on bosses, and the ability to eat stale and spoiled food is generally convenient and gives Woodie a lot more leniency to waste hunger if a time to pop an idol presents itself. WX's value is somewhat tied to how well they can maintain system overload, since being able to consistently keep it gives a significant advantage during winter in addition to an amazing speed increase and light, the latter two lessening the need for Goose immensely. A charged WX is 10% faster than Weregoose form, but of course is much more difficult to have on demand / keep, since it's very Wicker dependent.

Woodie can help WX farm gears safely as soon as day 1 through Moose form and taking on clockwork creatures. Beaver is just useful as usual, Goose will always be able to provide some value with a lunar rush but (especially for ruins) the ability to use it for scouting is generally up to where a Wicker is also on the team.

In a ruins rush, both work together rather nicely. Woodie helps significantly with getting a WX upgraded to a point where they can snowball & cuts down on the exploration, while WX acts as a dumpster for stale food and shrooms in addition to being a bruiser once upgraded. Woodie appreciates a tanky partner since being stuck in combat when wereness begins to fade can be a very dangerous situation for him, whereas an upgraded WX can run interference and give him the time to heal up and rejoin the fight, regaining all lost stats via additional gears.


Trusty tapes are a nice way to restore durability when excess grass is available and let Woodie get through winter, spring, and summer extremely cheap. Catapults have a ridiculous amount of value for farms and bosses as well, which Woodie appreciates. Being able to repair thermal stones is also a nice little convenience.

Woodie can farm silk pretty easily with Moose which Winona appreciates, and can contribute a lot of gems via lunar rushing getting hot springs active quicker, killing hound waves with ease, and from a ruins rush, but that's about the end of their relationship outside of the usual perks of Beaver / Goose. If only the generators used wood!


Consistent ranged damage is always nice, but Woby is the big gain here. Big Woby is essentially a superior Goose in many aspects, taking the same 3 monster meat and having a movespeed ranging from 8-10 (Goose is 8.4) for 5x the duration of a full Goose form without any of the costs of an idol. Although it can't be used safely anywhere near combat and of course can't cross water, it's a very strong scouting and general mobility perk that should be prioritized over Goose idols for general use. His absolutely terrible storytelling skills give some decent sanity regen which makes hibernation stuff and liberal idol usage simpler to pull off as well. ty for chester / glommer / tam o' shanter too btw :>

Weremoose makes it extremely easy for Walter to never be in melee range, which helps remove the biggest weakness of the character. Being able to safely take over setup for bee boxes is also appreciated, as well as the general ease of which Woodie can generate salves and poultices. Silk is also easily farmed for quality tents (Siesta lean-to is by far the best option in terms of cost and return per hunger) and his hat, in addition to being used for summer / winter clothing so Walter can avoid losing health + sanity to freezing / overheating. Beaver and base Woodie also generate ridiculous amount of pinecones, which allow Walter to make sanity stations and care even less about sanity than he already does.Walter's favorite food is hardly noteworthy, but birchnut farming is a lot easier when you don't have to worry about spawning Poison Birchnuts too.


Spider farming up to 11 basically. Woodie appreciates monster meat in bulk, as well as a potential defensive option in the form of LOTS OF SPIDERS. Webber being able to eat monster meat isn't as big a benefit due to idols and conversion to eggs / pierogi, but is still alright for extending food supplies and gives Woodie some more food flexibility.

Woodie can Civil War spiders without being as wasteful with the meat and is very well suited to take over the recruitment stuff that Webber cannot do. All other general benefits apply.

It's worth noting that spiders use the same loyalty calculation as pigs. With a rework likely on the horizon there's a lot of interesting possibilities with Webber, but not a lot to say as-is. Webber is an interesting ruins character but Woodie still has to worry about spiders so there's not much to say there beyond Woodie being a great scout as always.


Wicker's just very strong across the board. Horticulture / Silviculture make resources and food a lot more plentiful. Bird and Krampus farms, Sleepytime Stories can save a Woodie in a bad spot and disrupt bosses, tentacles for boss setups and for certain defenses. A little of everything.

Wicker synergies are usually rather one-sided, but Woodie can provide stone fruit to make her Horticulture stronger and living logs for Silviculture. He can also scout for Beefalo for a consistent manure source without much cost. It's pretty easy for him to farm greencaps underground which makes her sanity easier to manage. Idols also incorporate a decent amount of monster meat into Woodie's eating habits, which makes it easier for her to eat good, fresh food.


Efficient fires make wood last quite a lot longer, and not needing summer gear as much due to her innate heat insulation is appreciated by Woodie, who likes a bit extra to offset his beard. The lighter is a nice bonus for regular Woodie and Bernie is incredible for fuel and as a defensive tool, and makes Willow the best nightmare fuel farmer in the game. She's also the natural choice for charcoal farming, which is a nice bonus because Woodie doesn't save any time doing it with Lucy.

Woodie can farm silk easily, which Willow absolutely loves due to the need for sewing kits, good winter gear, and Bernies. Woodie gives Willow a LOT of sanity control whether by letting her play with fire a lot more with the help of Lucy and Beaver or by easily providing a ton of seawreaths from a trip to Lunar. Moose also can do a lot of the jobs Willow needs BERNIE!! for, which frees up a lot of the pressure for her to stay low sanity (and get yelled at by people who remember the scourge of early DST Willow, lol). Woodie is also an excellent living log generator, which allows the two of them to generate tons of dark swords.

Woodie just synergizes across the board, honestly. Whereas he needs summer gear, she needs winter. He can get tons of pinecones he doesn't really need, she can use them to raise her sanity as needed. He farms wood, she farms charcoal. Everything just meshes remarkably well.


'Maxwell offers nothing when there's a Woodie' is dead wrong. Max is the best miner hands down and is going to be the better living log farmer in Warly-less games. Max can also farm fuel forever with a bit of practice & caution. Sanity basically stops being a mechanic with him, which frees up some more options for Woodie to deal with the loss from idols / wereform. Max also relieves a lot of the burden on Woodie to be the resource farmer for the group simply by existing, and gives him a lot more room to explore and do other things.

Maxwell appreciates that Woodie's Moose form is a potent offensive tool despite not taking any actual gear, which will likely give him access to quality armor faster which helps offset his poor HP. Lunar rushing gives Maxwell an incredible fuel tool in glass cutters, and Woodie in general means Maxwell can prioritize miners over loggers & cut down on his overall "work". Since Maxwells often do a lot of base planning instead of exploring, Goose's scouting is much appreciated.


Being able to heal Woodie in Moose form alone makes him ridiculously good. A single soul virtually wipes out the health cost of an idol and makes Moose have the effective HP of Log suit Wolfgang, and in general means that Woodie can play a lot more aggressively without having to worry about spending time as human to heal up. Teleportation makes him ridiculously good regardless of what situation you're in, exploration / bosses / rushing ruins, he does it all with a bit of soul investment, and he generally just eats way less food in general because of souls. Idols are so much easier to use with him around.

Wortox wants souls, and Woodie can give him a ton. Glass cutters are also very nice for Wortoxes that prefer to simply kill nightmares for sanity. Woodie is also the ideal character for followers, which fits Wortox nicely since he can't do anything with them anyway.


Wormwood can farm a ridiculous amount of food which is naturally helpful for a Woodie wanting to transform often, especially so because veggies are arguably the hardest part of making Pierogi now that eggs can be gained from monster meat. Being able to generate living logs eliminates the need for dedicated Treeguard farming while a lot of his traps are a nice alternative to going Moose. Overheating protection during bloom also works well with Woodie's lesser tolerance for heat, and bloom also lessens the need for Goose since it's one of the better consistent movement options available.

Woodie can pretty much singlehandedly make Wormwood's downsides a nonissue. Sanity is a joke considering how many pinecones a Beaver idol will generate, and Wormwood never even has to think about chopping trees down with him around. Woodie can pretty easily scout for important things for Wormwood like Beefalo, meat bulbs and realistically Moose can let Wormwood skip the bramble traps and save the logs. Woodie can easily farm up a lot of stingers for those traps, though, if they're preferred or there's a surplus of living logs on hand.


Spices work in wereform. Chilli lasts just long enough to perfectly last for an idol's full duration, garlic makes Wereform even tankier (and he doesn't mind the fact armor takes regular durability loss), Honey Werebeaver is the #1 cause of deforestation in the Constant (and gives Woody a claim to best living log farmer, salt is just really nice convenience. Alongside dishes like Volt Goat Chaud-Froid and better nutrition-efficiency for both hunger and follower purposes, A good Warly is a force multiplier for Woodie.

Woodie can kill lots of things for Warly, which is helpful since the easiest way for him to deal with his hunger / food memory is to just make big meat dishes. Woodie can also get an early belt of hunger for him and can also grind up the sewing kits for it pretty easily. Lunar stuff acts as great filler and makes Warly have a lot more variety, especially in conjunction with anenemy farms for consistent meat.


Wurt's a bit weird in that the biggest thing she offers Woodie is her being an absolute powerhouse late in the game, and can patch a lot of Woodie's endgame weaknesses with a Merm army. Once she gets rolling, she's incredibly powerful.

Woodie's main contribution here is by being very well equipped for speeding up getting Wurt all set up. The DIY throne, Flort-ifications, and Craftsmerm houses all take a sizable amount of wood, which he can easily supply so Wurt can built lots of houses. Pigskins, silk for fishing rods, and tentacle spots can easily be obtained with the use of the Moose, and Goose form can easily scout for Beefalo to get the wool. Stone fruit also gives a very consistent source of food for Wurt, the king, and for mass merm recruitment purposes, and is of a major benefit for her.

The synergy as a whole is about one coming online when the other starts to fall off, and speeding up the conversion from Wurt being F tier to S tier.



Group Woodie

I didn't put any notes of flexibility and playing with other people as an advantage or disadvantage because it's more group-dependant than anything.

One of the biggest advantages of Woodie in a group is that he can perform his job well without much. You start with an axe that gives you an immediate leg up without any cost that's comparable to a Maxwell using multiple nightmare fuel. Idols are cheap, can replace gear for most situations, and can give a cooperative group a lot more leniency on kitting people out. Getting the Thulecite, Tentacle Spikes, winter gear, etc. for four or six people, let alone more, can be a daunting task. Having one of them not need them as much can relieve a lot of loot pressure and that goes a long way for helping the group. Woodie also usually has a tool for just about any situation, so if you're quick to pivot you can usually do a lot to help out with just about anything.

On the other hand, not being as gear-reliant can be a bother if people argue you don't need something neat, and putting yourself last in line for nice item upgrades for the sake of "optimally" gearing others out can be a pain. In addition, if a team doesn't communicate much, that can easily bite Woodie in the rear because of the expectations that the mantle of meta jack-of-all trades brings. Unlike most characters, Woodie's job isn't as clear-cut in multiplayer. Some people will look at Woodie and see a resource farmer. Others will see him as a rush character / map filler, and a few may even see him as a Wendy substitute. Unless you get a good understanding of what the players you're with want, there will at some point be some annoyance headed your way for 'not doing your job as Woodie' when the chests aren't overflowing with resources, you don't throw down lunar stuff, or you don't have a ton of glands, meat, silk, and honey flowing. Guessing what's wanted from you at a given moment can be a chore, so communication as a result can be pretty key for Woodie, especially if you play him to adjust to fit the team's comp and playstyle so he can provide his full value.

And that's all there is.

I think this is about everything under the sun I can say about Woodie in terms of DST. He's a cool character and I recommend people give him a try.

I'm sure other people have tips to offer, so I'll try and update this to include any as well and factor in any differing opinions. Feedback on formatting is appreciated as well. Hope this helps.

A Guide to Reworked Woodie (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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