Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (2024)

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In narratives of the tragic events that befell the Prophet Mohammed’s grandson Imam Husain, it is said that his journey towards the Hereafter began where his journey in this world came to an end: the land of Karbala. Even after the death of Imam Husain, for the women and children of his household and for his son and successor Imam Ali Zain al-Abideen, the journey continued. The journey to Karbala and the events that unfolded on its desert sands have not been forgotten. Imam Husain left the sacred precincts of the Holy Kaaba in order to answer the pleas for help sent by the people of Iraq. After several days of besiegement, on the 7thof Muharram, the Umayyad armies denied Imam Husain and his encampment access to the Euphrates, the only source of water in that parched land. On the 9th day, when Yazid’s armies began to mobilise their forces for assault, Imam Husain sought one night’s respite. News of Imam Husain’s martyrdom and the cruelty and tyranny inflicted upon the household of the Prophet spread across the Islamic world, rallying Muslims and fortifying their belief in the true message of Islam. The Blessed Ten Muslims across the world commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husain during Ashara Mubaraka with the belief that doing so is a source of blessings and a means to spiritual purification. Every single Dawoodi Bohra community centre across the world hosts the event for its local congregation with a series of majalis (sing. majlis) or assemblies in the morning and the evening. Syedna’s Sermons The largest gathering within the Dawoodi Bohra community takes place at the venue where His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, the head of the Dawoodi Bohra community, leads the commemoration. The remembrance of Imam Husain is inherently linked to Islamic history and philosophy, which His Holiness expounds upon in his sermons. Past Venues All Encompassing Medical Services Counselling Cleanliness & Hygiene In the name of Husain Why I Attend Read More Stories. FAQs

A Journey Towards Humanity

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (1)

Ashara Mubaraka, or the Blessed Ten, is a period of ten days at the start of the Islamic new year that is dedicated to remembering the tragedy of Karbala and the plight of Imam Husain, his family and companions as well as their stand for Islam, justice, truth and humanity.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (2)

His Holiness delivering his first Ashara Mubaraka sermons as head of the Dawoodi Bohra community in the historic city of Surat, India in 1436/2014

In narratives of the tragic events that befell the Prophet Mohammed’s grandson Imam Husain, it is said that his journey towards the Hereafter began where his journey in this world came to an end: the land of Karbala.

For Imam Husain, his kin and companions, the journey to Karbala through the scorching deserts of Iraq was a journey that eventually ended in their martyrdom. It was a journey to a battle where they took their last stand against the forces of indecency, immorality and inhumanity. A journey towards immortality in which they attained the loftiest of ranks in Heaven and the highest of places in the history of humankind.

Read about The Ziyarat of Imam Husain

Even after the death of Imam Husain, for the women and children of his household and for his son and successor Imam Ali Zain al-Abideen, the journey continued.

Forced to make their way to the Umayyad court in Damascus, the princesses of his house were paraded like slaves. their heads uncovered and their feet bare like the backs of the camels they were forced to ride for hundreds of miles. The hands of the young children were bound like animals and the heads of the martyred were raised before them on the tips of spears. Imam Ali Zain al-Abideen was made to walk barefoot upon the desert sands leading the caravan of his father’s grief-stricken household, the spears of his captors prodding him onward with no regard for the frailty caused by his illness and the crushing loss of his father, uncles and brothers.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (3)

A view of the congregation listening to Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin’s sermons in the Hakimi Masjid complex, Dar es Salaam

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (4)

His Holiness delivering an Ashara Mubaraka sermon in Dubai

The journey to Karbala and the events that unfolded on its desert sands have not been forgotten.

Over 1400 years later, millions of Muslims remember the path taken by Imam Husain at the start of the new Islamic year and embark upon a journey of their own: one of commemoration, remembrance and grief.Ashara Mubaraka, or the Blessed Ten, is a period of ten days at the start of the new year that is dedicated to remembering and recalling the tragedy of Karbala and the plight of Imam Husain, his family and companions and their stand for Islam, justice, truth and ultimately, for humanity.The remembrance and commemoration of Imam Husain’s journey is a journey in itself: one that, asHis Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin explains, illuminates the very essence of what it means to be human.

ReadThe Message of Imam Husain

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (5)

The holy sepulchre of Imam Husain in Karbala. The 51stdaʿi, Syedna Taher Saifuddindedicated the silver and gold sepulchre seen here in 1355/1937. With the installment of a new shrine in 1434/2013, the sepulchre dedicated by the 51stdaʿihas now been relocated to the Holy Shrine’s museum and parts have been reinstalled at a newly constructed lower level.

2nd of muharram

7thof Muharram



Imam Husain left the sacred precincts of the Holy Kaaba in order to answer the pleas for help sent by the people of Iraq.

Alarmed by the Umayyad ruler Yazid and the path of indecency, cruelty and injustice he had embarked upon, the people of Kufa and nearby cities pledged their loyalty to Imam Husain, the last remaining member of the Prophet Mohammed’s immediate family. They beseeched him, demanded even, that he journey to Kufa and uphold the cause of Islam, truth and justice. Imam Husainanswered their call and with his family — including women and young children — and a contingent of faithful companions set out for Iraq. This was Imam Husain’s final earthly journey, a path that many Muslims believe he was destined to take for the sake of Islam and one foretold by his grandfather the Prophet Mohammed.It was at Karbala, near the Euphrates river, where the armies of Yazid, thousands strong, intercepted Imam Husain and his small band of followers. Unable to proceed forward, and betrayed by those who had petitioned him to come, Imam Husain gave orders to set up camp at Karbala on the 2ndof Muharram, 61 AH (October 2, 680 CE).

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (6)

His Holiness delivering an Ashara Mubaraka sermon in Indore, India

After several days of besiegement, on the 7thof Muharram, the Umayyad armies denied Imam Husain and his encampment access to the Euphrates, the only source of water in that parched land.

Imam Husain conveyed to his aggressors that if his presence in Kufa was no longer wanted, he would simply go elsewhere. His request, however, fell on deaf ears. Yazid’s commanders demanded that Imam Husain surrender and capitulate to the Umayyad ruler, yet for Imam Husain, knowing Yazid’s transgressions, his inhumanity and his disdain for the true message of Islam — ‘death was more preferable’. He was fully aware that if he were to surrender to Yazid, word of this would spread, and Islam as established by his revered grandfather the Prophet Mohammed would cease to exist. So Imam Husain stood his ground and rejected the Umayyad demands.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (7)

His Holiness delivering Ashara Mubaraka sermon in Dubai

On the 9th day, when Yazid’s armies began to mobilise their forces for assault, Imam Husain sought one night’s respite.

He and his companions spent the eve of the 10thof Muharram, the day known asAshura, in worship and prayer and as the morning ofAshuradawned, they prepared for battle. One by one, Imam Husain’s companions and kin, after three days without a drop of water, headed into battle striking down many a foe, yet ultimately being slain to the greatly outnumbering Yazidi forces. Finally, as an ultimate expression of sacrifice, devotion and commitment to Islam and the causes of loyalty, truth and righteousness, Imam Husain prostrated before the Creator praying for the salvation and deliverance of humanity when he was beheaded by the wretched Shimr, a disgraceful commander in Yazid’s army.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (8)

His Holiness delivering Ashara Mubaraka sermon in Dubai

News of Imam Husain’s martyrdom and the cruelty and tyranny inflicted upon the household of the Prophet spread across the Islamic world, rallying Muslims and fortifying their belief in the true message of Islam.

His principled stand against oppressors and his sacrifice for truth have over centuries inspired Muslims and non-Muslims alike, for they represent the very noblest of human virtues and the very essence of humanity. Imam Husain stood for the universal principles of justice, compassion and kindness; his steadfastness and resoluteness in the face of severe oppression against him and his loved ones is perhaps the single greatest example of fortitude, valour and sacrifice in the history of mankind. Remembering him, lamenting the tragedies that befell him and grieving upon his sacrifice and the sacrifice of his family and companions, is at its core a journey towards understanding ourselves and ultimately our role as human beings on this earth.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (9)

His Holiness delivering Ashara Mubaraka sermon in Dubai

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (10)

His Holiness observes the first Ashara Mubaraka in Surat, India, after assuming the office of the al-Dai al-Mutlaq

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (11)

The late His Holiness Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin delivering a sermon during Ashara Mubaraka in Mombasa in 1430/2008.

The Blessed Ten

Muslims across the world commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husain during Ashara Mubaraka with the belief that doing so is a source of blessings and a means to spiritual purification.

This is why the ten days are considered mubaraka, or ‘blessed.’ Like millions of Muslims across the world, the Dawoodi Bohra community under the guidance and leadership of the53rd al-Daʿi al-Mutlaq, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, dedicates these days to the remembrance and lament of Imam Husain and seeks blessings from this deeply spiritual event.For the Dawoodi Bohra community,Ashara Mubaraka is akin to a spiritual, educational and material journey of growth and development.

Every single Dawoodi Bohra community centre across the world hosts the event for its local congregation with a series of majalis (sing. majlis) or assemblies in the morning and the evening.

In the morningmajlisthe congregation leader delivers a sermon while the eveningmajlisis usually spent in collective recitation of elegies in which all those gathered for the occasion participate. With each subsequent day, having progressed through various themes in Islamic history and philosophy, the assembly moves closer to the day of Ashura when Imam Husain’sfinal journey to Karbala is narrated in great detail.Community members close shops and take leave from school and work to participate in these assemblies thereby committing themselves to this remembrance as a humble tribute to Imam Husain’s sacrifice.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (12)

His Holiness delivering Ashara Mubaraka sermon as head of the Dawoodi Bohra community in London

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (13)

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (14)

He who sheds tears upon [the tragedy of] my son Husain, or causes another to shed tears, or if unable to cry, reveals his grief through his facial expressions, is guaranteed jannat (heaven).

The Prophet Mohammed

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (16)

His Holiness delivering Ashara Mubaraka sermon as head of the Dawoodi Bohra community in Nairobi, Kenya

Syedna’s Sermons

The largest gathering within the Dawoodi Bohra community takes place at the venue where His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, the head of the Dawoodi Bohra community, leads the commemoration.

TheAshara Mubarakamajalisled by His Holiness himself are conducted at a scale like no other and offer a truly unique experience for the tens, and sometimes, hundreds of thousands who attend. His Holinessconducts a series of ten sermons in which he recalls the hardships and tribulations faced by Imam Husain and describes the courage and fortitude shown by him, his family and companions.

The remembrance of Imam Husain is inherently linked to Islamic history and philosophy, which His Holiness expounds upon in his sermons.

He ultimately relates his topics to contemporary life, contextualising thousands of years of Islamic history with issues facing the Dawoodi Bohra community and humanity at large today. The sermons serve as a means for community members to reinvigorate their faith and navigate the complexities of modern life.

His Holiness’ counsel and guidance throughout the year, and especially duringAshara Mubaraka, are the source and foundation of the community’s ethos: the expression of a strong Islamic identity that resonates with values of loyalty, patriotism, lawfulness and generosity — values which encourage Dawoodi Bohras to be exemplary citizens of the countries they live in and ideal members of today’s global society.

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Children volunteers serve water and milk to community members during Muharram in Mumbai.

Past Venues

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (18)

Dubai, UAE – 1445H/2023

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (19)

London, UK – 1444H/2022

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (20)

Nairobi, Kenya – 1443H/2021


All Encompassing

The majalis of Ashara Mubaraka extend beyond the masjid where the sermons take place. The Dawoodi Bohra faith encompasses all aspects of community members’ lives and similarly, Ashara Mubaraka, arguably the truest manifestation of the Dawoodi Bohra faith, provides numerous opportunities for growth for the community in its personal and social lives. It is where the values and guidance disseminated in the sermons are first put into practice. Throughout the ten day period, a host of community organisations take advantage of the enormous attendance and learning-conducive environment to educate, create awareness and provide various services to the attendees and the city.

Medical Services

Medical camps staffed by volunteer doctors and medical professionals from around the world offer consultations, testing and medicine free of charge. The camps also offer emergency medical aid to community and non-community members. Individuals can walk-in or take appointments with highly qualified specialists where they are offered free tests and diagnosis. Often, the camps help attendees uncover existing but hidden ailments or provide a more effective treatment for known conditions. The medical camps also conduct sessions on healthy eating and living.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (21)


At its core, the Ashara sermons are about growth in knowledge, understanding and wisdom. This environment is ideal for discussions regarding education. Organisations affiliated to the community’s premier educational institute, Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah, offer student counselling sessions conducted by professionals from various fields. The conversations help young students and professionals identify career paths and study options in line with His Holiness’ counsel and guidance. Apart from individual counselling, discussion groups are held where participants, collectively and individually, reflect upon core concepts from Syedna’s sermons. During Ashara Mubaraka, as in life, learning is continuous.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (22)

Cleanliness & Hygiene

Inspired by this spirit and understanding of purity, the nazafat, or cleanliness committee, helps local sanitation departments in keeping the Ashara venue clear of litter. The event in Indore went one step further in environmental conservation. In keeping with the city’s reputation for being one of the cleanest and most environmentally friendly in India, the organising committee successfully made Ashara Mubaraka azero waste event. Separate bins were placed for waste segregation and the cumulative waste of the event was recycled in its entirety. Two hundred tonnes of organic waste were converted into fertilizer and distributed to farmers in the region, free of charge. Paper was sent to local recycling facilities, and plastic use was drastically limited, with single-use plastic bags completely banned during the event. All these efforts resulted in a religious event that set the benchmark for environmental awareness and cleanliness.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (23)

In the name of Husain

The aspect of Ashara that requires the most logistics and is, perhaps, most emblematic of the event is themawaid.Mawaid is an Arabic word meaning platters filled with food, and thus it is used as the name for the large dining areas where thousands of guests partake in communal meals. Hosting another for a meal is a tradition deeply rooted in the Islamic faith and observed by the Bohra community with great fervour. Attendees voluntarily fund the millions of individual meals provided during the event and make the most of this opportunity, according to their individual capacities, to be hosts to their fellow community members in the name of Imam Husain. Despite the vast amounts of resources required and almost impossible logistics, breakfast, lunch and dinner is served in a couple of hours to thousands of people, on a daily basis. Perhaps the greatest exemplar of feeding others in the love of Imam Husainis His Holiness. On the 8thof Muharram each year, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, like his revered father before him, hosts a meal not only for the large number of community members present with him, but for all Dawoodi Bohras attending sermons in their local centres the world-over. In remembrance of Husain Imam and his family’s thirst and hunger, community members not only contribute monetarily towards feeding their brothers and sisters, but also volunteer time and effort in preparing and serving the meals. Despite these large numbers and vast amounts of food, great care is taken to ensure that not even a single morsel of food is wasted.

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (24)

Why I Attend

I look forward to Ashara Mubaraka each year with great anticipation. In addition to experiencing His Holiness’ sermons first hand, the event acts as a yearly reunion for our family which is spread throughout the world and seldom meets. Although we come together in the love of Husain, our love for each other grows and the bonds of our family are strengthened.

Ummesalama, New Jersey

There is no clearer expression of one’s humanity than in the experience of grieving the martyrdom of Imam Husain with his daʿī Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin. Ashara is a time when an individual can understand himself in the context of creation and see and live the purpose for which he is created. There is nothing more humbling; there is nothing more meaningful.

Ibrahim, Boston

અશરા મુબારકા મૌલા સાથે કરવુ એ મારા સૂખી જીવનની ચાવી છે

Being with Syedna during Ashara, is the key to happiness in my life.

Abdulhusain, Kapadvanj (India)

At a deeply personal level, Imam Husain’s sacrifice was for me, for my today and eternal tomorrow. Attending Ashara and listening to Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin’s sermons puts this into focus, draws me away from the hurly burly of everyday life into contemplation of what is really important, reminds me of my values and helps me set my priorities. I go back to my everyday life from each Ashara with a greater understanding of who I am, where I want to go, how I will get there and who will be by my side. I have a blueprint that helps me navigate the challenges of the year ahead.

Duriya, Singapore

Je vais faire Ashara Mubaraka avec Maula car durant ces 10 jours Maula me donne la chance de méditer et de me purifier grâce au sacrifice de Imam Husain mais aussi d’apprendre d’avantage sur ma raison d’être. En ces dix jours, nous vivre une vie entière.

Sherebanu, Paris

نتبرك بالحضور في معية فخامة السلطان مولانا المنان كي نستفيد من مواعظة الجزيلة وتطمئن نفوسنا باقتناء أدعيته المباركة مما نلقيه في هذا الوضع الراهن بين الحروب الطاحنة، وذلك حقا سبب الأمن لنا خاصة لأهل اليمن عامة

Surrounded by war and distress in Yemen, I attend Ashara with Syedna so that I may benefit from his sermons and find peace in his prayers for our well-being.

Abdulqadir, Sana'a

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Ashara Mubaraka In Focus

Ashara Mubaraka - The Dawoodi Bohras (2024)


What do Dawoodi Bohras believe? ›

The Bohra Faith

We believe in the Oneness of God, the Prophet Mohammed al-Mustafa as the final messenger of Allah, and the Holy Qur'an as the final message to mankind. They are led by a spiritual and temporal leader, or Dai-al-Mutlaq, who is the vicegerent representing the Imam in seclusion.

What is Ashra Mubarak? ›

Ashara Mubaraka, or the Blessed Ten, is a period of ten days at the start of the Islamic new year that is dedicated to remembering the tragedy of Karbala and the plight of Imam Husain, his family and companions as well as their stand for Islam, justice, truth and humanity.

How are bohras different from Muslims? ›

Dawoodi Bohra is a community of the Shia section of Islam. The Dawoodi Bohras look different because they have a different attire, a different mosque and a community centre as well as a different religious leader. The Dawoodi Bohras are originally from Yemen, a country in West Asia (Middle East).

What is the Dawoodi Bohra community infamous for? ›

They are considered to be somewhat progressive in terms of women's rights and education. However, it is thought to be the only Muslim sect in India that practices khatna, or cl*toral unhooding, on girls at the tender age of seven, which is thought to have stemmed from the community's roots in Yemen.

Which God do Bohra worship? ›

The Dawoodi Bohras follow the Fatimi Ismaili Tayyibi school of thought. Their faith is based on the belief in one deity; Allah Taʿala, in the Holy Quran as the word of Allah and in the sacred mission of the Prophets and their successors.

Do Bohras read the Quran? ›

Bohras recite the Quran with great reverence, maintaining etiquette such as sitting respectfully, covering one's head, and remaining in a state of ritual purity.

Who is the leader of Dawoodi Bohra? ›

Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin is the 53rd al-Dai al-Mutlaq and present leader of the worldwide Dawoodi Bohra community. He has dedicated his life to the service of the community and the betterment of society at large, with a special emphasis on education, environmental responsibility and socio-economic development.

Do Bohras celebrate Muharram? ›

The Bohras' cultural attire is known as Libas al-Anwar and men usually grow a full beard. Prominent religious festivals include Eid-e-Milad an-Nabi, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Muharram. The majlis is an age-old practise of the community in which they congregate on major dates in the Islamic calendar.

What is Mubarak divorce? ›

Mubarak: This word means “Release” and is done by mutual consent of husband and wife. This type of divorce under Muslim law becomes irreversible if both parties accept it and act accordingly.

How do Bohras pray? ›

Bohras pray multiple times a day; prayers for specific occasions include the beating of one's chest called matam; the men must wear beards and caps at all times; and their rituals include the slaughtering of goats.

Why do Bohras wear rida? ›

The rida is essentially an Islamic modesty garment akin to hijab that Bohra women are required to wear once they take an oath to adulthood, misaq.

Are the Bohras Shia or Sunni? ›

The Dawoodi Bohras are Shia Muslims whose leader is known as the Al-Dai-Al-Mutlaq. According to members of the community, there are around 1 million Dawoodi Bohras spread around the world.

What is Dawoodi Bohra mother tongue? ›

Lisaan ud-Da'wat or Lisaan o Da'wat il Bohra or Lisan ud-Dawat (Arabic: لسان الدعوة, lit. 'language of the Da'wat', da'wat ni zabaan; abbreviated LDB) is the language of the Dawoodi Bohras and Alavi Bohras, two Isma'ili Shi'a Muslim communities primarily in Gujarat, following the Taiyebi doctrines and theology.

What is the famous food of Bohra community? ›

  • Pineapple halwa - Pineapple pudding.
  • Shami kebab - Meat patties made with lentils and spices.
  • Teekha aloo - Spicy potatoes.
  • Lagan ya seekh - Minced meat layered with tomatoes, potatoes and finished with egg.

Do Bohras perform hajj? ›

The Bohra community performs Umrah and Hajj in the major mosques in Makkah and Madina including Cairo and Jerusalem. The Bohras follow the teachings of 13th-century Mustansir Fardoodi who prescribed that all his followers must visit these four cities during their lifetime.

What is the ideology of Bohra? ›

The Dawoodi Bohras are a close-knit Muslim community. Their faith is founded on the conviction that there is only one deity, Allah that the Islamic prophet Mohammed is the last of the Prophets and, that the Holy Quran is the message of Allah.

What is the difference between Shia and Bohra? ›

Bohra Community is again a type of Shia or can be called as Branch of Shia. The main difference in all of them is the method of succession of Prophet Muhammad(saww) they follow.

How do Dawoodi Bohras pray? ›

Bohras pray multiple times a day; prayers for specific occasions include the beating of one's chest called matam; the men must wear beards and caps at all times; and their rituals include the slaughtering of goats.

Are Bohra Muslims converted? ›

Some Dawoodi Bohras underwent persecution during Muslim rule after the Muslim conquest of Gujarat and converted from Mustaali Ismaili to Sunni Islam. The leader of part of this conversion movement to Sunni Islam was said to be Jafar Patani, himself a Bohra convert to Sunni Islam.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.