How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (2024)

How to Get Spellements in Wizard101? Spellements can be very useful in both PVE and PVP, however, A LOT is needed to level up a spell to the next tier. This guide will show you the various ways to obtain Spellements so you can quickly level up your spells to the max tier!

Table of Contents

    How to Obtain Spellements in Wizard101

    As of the new Summer 2022 update, Spellements can now be obtained in the following ways:

    1. Farming Bosses
    2. Opening Silver Chests
    3. Opening Cantrip Chests
    4. Opening Spellement Packs
    5. Utilizing the ‘Pet Retriever’ Talent

    Farming Bosses for Spellements

    You can obtain rank 1-6 Spellements from farming various bosses, throughout the worlds of the first arc only.

    There is a catch though! Kingsisle has implemented a way so that it isn’t as easy for high-level wizards to one-shot these bosses first round, for easy farming. This is to ensure that World Spellements are only available to level-appropriate Wizards.

    To get a Spellement dropped in a world, you must have completed the previous world and you need to have not completed the nextworld. For example, if you are currently questing through Marylebone, you can receive Spellements from Marleybone bosses as well as the previous world, Krokotopia. This is because you would attain the badge “Hero of Krokotopia” and also would not have attained “Oni Slayer” (when you complete the next world, Mooshu).

    Spellements also drop into 2 categories: Elemental (Fire, Ice, Storm, Balance) and Spiritual (Death, Myth, Life, Balance). This is important because bosses can either drop Elemental type or Spiritual type Spellements, or even both!

    Below, I have listed some bosses, per world, that you can farm for Spellements, as well as the badge requirements.

    Wizard City





    Coming Soon…

    To Obtain Spellements in Krokotopia, you must have the badge “Wizard City Protector” but also must not have “Mastermind”.

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (1)

    Khai Amahte The Great

    Type: Spiritual
    Drop Rate: 8 Spellements
    Rank: 1-3

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (3)

    Nirini Quartermaster

    Type: Elemental
    Drop Rate: 6-7 Spellements
    Rank: 1-3

    To Obtain spellements in Marleybone, you must have the badge “Hero of Krokotopia” but also must not have “Oni Slayer”.

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (4)


    Type: Spiritual
    Drop Rate: 16-17 Spellements
    Rank: 1-4

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (5)

    Agony Wraith

    Type: Spiritual
    Drop Rate: 8-14 Spellements
    Rank: 1-4

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (6)

    Jaques the Scratcher

    Type: Elemental
    Drop Rate: 9-14 Spellements
    Rank: 1-4

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (7)

    Gear Head (Boss)

    Type: Elemental
    Drop Rate: 5-8 Spellements
    Rank: 1-4

    To Obtain spellements in Mooshu, you must have the badge “Mastermind” but also must not have “Savior of the Spiral”.

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (8)

    Jade Oni

    Type: Spiritual
    Drop Rate: 8 Spellements
    Rank: 1-5

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (9)

    Oyotomi The Defiler

    Type: Spiritual
    Drop Rate: 8 Spellements
    Rank: 1-5

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (10)


    Type: Elemental
    Drop Rate: 8 Spellements
    Rank: 1-5

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (11)


    Type: Elemental
    Drop Rate: 8 Spellements
    Rank: 1-5

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (12)

    Plague Oni

    Type: Spiritual & Elemental
    Drop Rate: 8 Spellements
    Rank: 1-5

    To Obtain spellements in Dragonspyre, you must have the badge “Oni Slayer” but also must not have “Astrologist”.

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (13)

    Vasek Ashweaver

    Type: Spiritual
    Drop Rate: 14 Spellements
    Rank: 2-6

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (14)

    Vladimir Darkflame

    Type: Spiritual
    Drop Rate: 14 Spellements
    Rank: 2-6

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (15)

    Sea Lord

    Type: Elemental
    Drop Rate: 14 Spellements
    Rank: 2-6

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (16)

    Boris Blackrock

    Type: Elemental
    Drop Rate: 14 Spellements
    Rank: 2-6

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (17)


    Type: Spiritual & Elemental
    Drop Rate: 14 Spellements
    Rank: 2-6

    Opening Silver Chests

    Spellements can now be dropped in silver chests…but again…with the same twist! As mentioned previously, the same requirements that enable bosses to drop Spellements, are the same requirements in place to be able to obtain Spellements from silver chests. So if you are currently questing throughout the worlds of the first arc, be on the lookout!

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (18)

    Opening Cantrip Chests

    Apart from the usual Silver and Wooden chests, there is a new chest called the Cantrip chest which came with the summer 2022 update. Cantrip chests are located in the worlds of the first arc. You will receive 7-8 Spellements per chest and the rank of the Spellements correlates to the world that you are in. For example, cantrip chests in Marleybone will drop rank 4 Spellements.

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (19)

    Three different wizards are required to cast magic touch to open the chest. Each time a wizard casts magic touch, one of the orbs lights up. As you can see in this picture, 2 out of 3 orbs are lit which means that 2 different wizards have cast magic touch already and only one more wizard is needed to cast the spell for it to be opened.

    Keep your eyes peeled for them when questing and remember to invite your friends to open it with you!

    Opening Spellement Packs

    There are many packs from the crowns shop that drop Spellements. If you purchase any lore or hoard pack, you have a small chance of getting Spellements from them. Then there are the Spellements packs that drop mostly Spellements and also specific Spellements so you can narrow down which pack to buy for a specific spell you are trying to max.
    These Spellement packs cost 399 crowns each with the exception of the Malistare Saga Spellement Pack which is priced at 199 crowns.

    The following are the names of the packs that you can purchase for Spellements:

    • Spellemental Skyvern Pack
    • Spellemental Pharoah’s Pack
    • Spellemental Road Warrior’s Pack
    • Celestian Spellemental Pack
    • Ilander’s Spellemental Pack
    • Wysteria Spellement Pack
    • Immortal’s Spellemental Pack
    • Keeper’s Spellemental Pack
    • Knight’s Spellemental Pack
    • Shaman’s Spellemental Pack
    • Malistare Saga Spellement Pack
    • Ninja’s Spellemental Pack
    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (20)
    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (21)

    There is one last booster pack that you can purchase which is called the Deluxe Spellement Pack but it is only available for a limited time. This pack will drop ONLY Spellements, 7 to be exact. It drops only lore Spellements and guarantees the steal pip spell on your first open! You can purchase this on the wizard101 site for $2 and you will be given a Deluxe Spellemental Pack every 7 days.

    Utilizing the ‘Pet Retriever Talent’

    There are 2 new pet talents called “Elemental Retriever” and “Spiritual Retriever” which were basically useless before the summer 2022 update. These talents can be obtained easily through hatching like any other talent, however, the talent comes locked even though it has been manifested. In order to unlock these talents, you need elemental or spirit tokens, depending on the retriever talent that you manifested. These talent tokens can be obtained when you train your pets to Ultra.

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (22)
    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (23)

    Now, all you need to do is walk up to a wooden chest, and press the elemental retriever/spiritual retriever button and your pet will go up and open the chest for you, granting you Spellements!

    Do note that it costs 40 happiness every time you use it and it also has a cooldown of 300 seconds.

    How to Obtain Lore Spellements

    Loremaster used to be your ‘go-to’ for lore Spellements, however, that has been changed since the summer 2022 update. Loremaster no longer drops lore Spellements but there are 4 new golden key bosses that do drop them.

    • High Loremagus – Dragonspyre
    • Lady StoneGaze – Aquilla
    • Drowned Dan – Celestia
    • Baron Von Bracken – Wysteria

    High Loremagus

    Lady StoneGaze

    Drowned Dan

    Baron Von Bracken

    Dragonspyre Gold Skeleton Key Boss

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (24)

    High Loremagus is located in the Atheneum in Dragonspyre, which is located directly opposite to loremaster’s chamber and drops spellements which can be found in the Keeper’s Spellemental pack.

    Aquilla Gold Skeleton Key Boss

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (25)

    Lady StoneGaze is located in the Garden of Hesperides in Aquilla and drops spellements from the Immortal’s Spellemental pack.

    Celestia Gold Skeleton Key Boss

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (26)

    Drowned Dan is located in the Science Center in Celestia and drops spellements from the Celestian Spellemental pack.

    Wysteria Gold Skeleton Key Boss

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (27)

    Baron Von Bracken is located in the Tanglewood way in Wysteria and drops spellements from the Wysteria Spellemental pack.

    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways ) (2024)


    How to Get Spellements in Wizard101 ( 5 Ways )? ›

    Spellements will be found on bosses at the end of each area in the World, and the bosses have a 100% chance of giving you Spellements, so that's the best way to know if you're in the right place. Bosses will be dropping Spellements from their triad (Elemental or Spiritual), and Balance Spellements drop from all.

    What bosses drop spellements in Wizard101? ›

    Elemental bosses (fire, ice, storm) drop elemental spellements and spirit bosses (life, death, myth) drop spirit spellements. Additionaly, both drop balance spellements.

    How to get spell writing in Wizard101? ›

    Wizard101 Spellwrighting

    You'll notice a new tab in your spellbook that unlocks when you qualify for at least one new spell upgrade and own a Spellement (the components you need to spellwright). To upgrade spells, collect Spellements in battle and from Packs. They can also be found in the Wizard City Underground.

    How many spellements do you need to unlock a spell in Wizard101? ›

    To upgrade a spell, you'll need to collect enough of it's Spellemental reagent. The tiers for upgrading cost 35 to unlock the base spell, then go 75, 115, 190, and finally 305. In total, it costs you 720 Spellements to fully unlock a spell you haven't already trained.

    Does Loremaster still drop spellements? ›

    Note: Most of Loremaster's Spell and Spellement drops have been removed as per the Summer 2022 Update Notes here: The Loremaster is a minor cheating Boss in Dragonspyre. While she used to drop multiple permanent Spells, she now only drops the Headless Horseman Spell during the Hallowe'en event.

    What is the most powerful spell in wizard101? ›

    One opponent Judgement PERIOD is the most effective spell considering damage potential and accuracy. More than one opponent Storm Lord. The strongest spell in the game is definately wild bolt.

    Why am I not getting spellements? ›

    To ensure that World Spellements are only available to level-appropriate Wizards, these drops are Badge Restricted. To get a Spellement dropped in a world, you must have completed the previous world and you need to have not completed the next world.

    What pack has Deer Knight spellements? ›

    The Knight's Spellemental Pack (previously Knight's Lore Pack), one of the very first packs added to Wizard101, is surprisingly full of wonders. Like every other Lore pack, this pack comes with spells you can permanently learn via spellements – Deer Knight, Catalan, Handsome Fomori, Burning Rampage and Sacred Charge.

    Where to farm Novus spellements? ›

    Cantrip chests are one way to acquire spellements. Upon opening, they drop 7-8 spellements per wizard. These spellements are specific to the world you find the chest in, so they are great if you want to upgrade or learn a specific spell. Cantrip chests in Novus will drop spellements for the Rank 5 Novus spells.

    What is the longest wizard101 spell? ›

    Just Khrulhu. Call of Khrulhu takes a full minute and twenty seconds to play out against an entire complement of four enemies.

    Where can I get ship of fools spellement? ›

    Hey there, to get this spell you can either defeat Drowned Dan and get the Spellements required to unlock the spell, orrrrrrrr, you can open the Celestian Spellemental Pack.

    What is the unicorn spell in wizard101? ›

    Apart from treasure cards, unicorn is available to life wizards only, and is the reward for the class quest offered at level 7. It heals all group members for 275 health, but at a cost of 3 pips, making it rather inefficient unless at least three players in your group need a heal.

    How do you get spellements in Wizard101 reddit? ›

    For spellements not in these chests you have to farm gold key bosses. Do the daily on 6 characters and you get 12 keys a month, 24keys is usually enough to get enough spellements to unlock a spell. High level worlds got bosses that drop spellements which you can farm.

    Do wizards get 2 spells every level? ›

    Each time you gain a wizard level, you can add two wizard spells of your choice to your spellbook for free.

    Is Deer Knight aoe? ›

    As we all know, deer knight is a coveted spell for all death wizards... for it is a low pip cost AOE spell. But the twist is, that the spell is very hard to acquire.

    What is the fastest way to progress in Wizard101? ›

    Get a subscription or buy some Crowns.

    Quests are the quickest way to gain XP, so having access to these is essential for leveling up. If you don't play often, you can purchase Crowns to open the next area you want to go to instead of buying a membership to access everything at once.

    What is the easiest school to solo in Wizard101? ›

    You probably already know that death is by far the easiest school to solo as. This is because of death's drain spells. They keep you alive and deal damage at the same time, so if you time your hits correctly you will almost never die. Death also has good resist, health, etc, so staying alive isn't a problem.

    What is the strongest class in Wizard101? ›

    Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.
    • Storm (478)
    • Fire (368)
    • Myth (365)
    • Ice (359)
    • Death (333)
    • Life (323)
    • Balance (292)

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    Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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    Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.